chapter 14 - The Block I/O Layer

Block Device hardware devices distinguished by the random access of fixed-size chunks of data

Anatomy of a Block Device

  • sector
    • block device 에서 접근할 수 있는 데이터의 최소 단위
  • block
    • 소프트웨어에서 접근할 수 있는 데이터의 논리적 최소 단위
    • Although the physical device is addressable at the sector level, the kernel performs all disk operations in terms of blocks.
  • device는 sector를 최소 단위로 하여 동작하지만, 커널은 모든 디스크 operation을 block 단위로 수행한다.

Buffers and Buffer Heads

  • When a block is stored in memory(after a read or pending a write), it is stored in a buffer.
  • Each buffer is associated with exactly one block.
  • Because the kernel requires some associated control information to accompany the data, each buffer is associated with a descriptor, a buffer head.
    struct buffer_head {
      unsigned long b_state;           // buffer status flags
      struct buffer_head *b_this_page; // per-page buffer list
      struct page *b_page;             // pointer to the descriptor for the page that stores the buffer
      sector_t b_blocknr;              // logical block number
      size_t b_size;                   // block size
      char *b_data;                    // pointer to buffer
      atomic_t b_count;                // use count
      /* etc */
    • b_count
      • the buffer's usage count
      • Before manipulating a buffer head, you must increment its reference count via get_bh() to ensure that the buffer head is not allocated out from under you.
      • When finished with the buffer head, decrement the reference count via put_bh().
        static inline void get_bh(struct buffer_head *bh)
        static inline void put_bh(struct buffer_head *bh)
  • Before the 2.6 kernel, the buffer head was used as the unit of I/O in the kernel.
  • Not only did the buffer head describe the disk-block-to-physical-page mapping, but it also acted as the container used for all block I/O.
  • problem
    • The buffer head was a large and unwieldy data structure, and it was neither clean nor simple t manipulate data in terms of buffer heads.
      • In the 2.6 kernel, much work has gone into making the kernel work directly with pages and address spaces instead of buffers.
      • address_space structure, pdflush daemons
    • The buffer head describes only a single buffer.
      • The primary goal of the 2.5 development kernel was to introduce a new flexible, and lightweight container for block I/O operations.
      • bio structure

The bio structure

struct bio;

struct bio_vec {
    /* pointer to the physical page on which this buffer resides */
    struct page *bv_page;

    /* the length in bytes of this buffer */
    unsigned int bv_len;

    /* the byte offset within the page where the buffer resides */
    unsigned int bv_offset;

  • The basic container for block I/O within the kernel is the bio structure.
  • The primary purpose of a bio structure is to represent an in-flight I/O operation.
  • The bio structure provides the capability for the kernel to perform block I/O operations of even a single buffer from multiple locations in memory.

Request Queues

struct request;
struct request_queue;
  • Block devices maintain request queues to store their pending block I/O requests, request_queue structure.
  • The request queue contains a doubly linked list of requests and associated control information.
  • Each item in the queue's request list is a single request, of type struct request.
  • Each request can be composed of more than one bio structure.

I/O Schedulers

The Job of an I/O Scheduler
  • An I/O scheduler works by managing a block device's request queue.
  • It manages the request queue with the goal of reducing seek time, which results in greater global throughput.
  • I/O schedulers perform two primary actions to minimize seek time: merging and sorting.
    • merging : If a request is already in the queue to read from an adjacent sector on the disk, the two request can be merged into a single request operating on one or more adjacent on-disk sectors.
    • sorting : The entire request queue is kept sorted, sectorwise, so that all seeking activity along the queue moves sequentially over the sectors of the hard disk.
The Linus Elevator
  • properties
    • If a request to an adjacent on-disk sector is in the queue, the existing request and the new request merge into a single request.
    • If a request in the queue is sufficiently old, the new request is inserted at the tail of the queue to prevent starvation of the other, older, requests.
    • If a suitable location sector-wise is in the queue, the new request is inserted there. This keeps the queue sorted physical location on disk.
    • Finally, if no such suitable insertion point exists, the request is inserted at the tail of the queue.
  • The Linus Elevator could provide better overall throughput via a greater minimization of seeks if it always inserted requests into the queue sector-wise and never checked for old requests and reverted to insertion at the tail of the queue.
  • starvation
    • Heavy disk I/O operations to one area of the disk can indefinitely starve request operations to another part of the disk.
    • Indeed, a stream of requests to the same area of the disk can result in other far-off requests never being serviced. This starvation is unfair.
The Deadline I/O Scheduler
  • properties
    • When a new request is submitted to the sorted queue, the Deadline I/O scheduler performs merging and insertion like the Linus Elevator.
    • Deadline I/O scheduler also, however, inserts the request into a second queue that depends on the type of request, read FIFO and write FIFO.
    • Under normal operation, the Deadline I/O scheduler pulls requests from the head of the sorted queue into the dispatch queue.
    • If the request at the head of either the write FIFO queue or the read FIFO queue expires, the Deadline I/O scheduler then begins servicing requests from the FIFO queue.

  • The Deadline I/O scheduler works harder to limit starvation while still providing good global throughput.
The Anticipatory I/O Scheduler
  • properties
    • After the request is submitted, the Anticipatory I/O scheduler does not immediately seek back and return to handling other requests.
    • Instead, it does absolutely nothing for a few milliseconds. In those few milliseconds, there is a good chance that the application will submit another read request.
    • After the waiting period elapses, the Anticipatory I/O scheduler seeks back to where if left off and continues handling the previous requests.
  • The Anticipatory I/O scheduler attempts to minimize the seek storm that accompanies read requests issued during other disk I/O activity.
  • With a sufficiently high percentage of correct anticipations, the Anticipatory I/O scheduler can greatly reduce the penalty of seeking to service read requests, while still providing the attention to such requests that system response requires.
The Complete Fair Queuing I/O Scheduler
  • properties
    • There is one queue for each process submitting I/O.
    • The CFQ I/O scheduler services the queues round robin, plucking a configurable number of requests from each queue before continuing on to the next.
  • The CFQ I/O scheduler is an I/O scheduler designed for specialized workloads, but that in practice actually provides good performance across multiple workloads.
The Noop I/O Scheduler
  • properties
    • The Noop I/O scheduler does not perform sorting or any other form of seek-prevention whatsoever.
    • The Noop I/O scheduler does perform merging as its lone chore.
  • The Noop I/O scheduler is intended for block devices that are truly random-access, such as flash memory cards.
  • If a block device has little or no overhead associated with "seeking", then there is no need for insertion sorting of incoming request, and the Noop I/O scheduler is the ideal candidate.

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